Re-establishing physically with digital communication

Working Prototype

Pigeon Express is an interface design project that concentrates on re-establishing physically with digital communication. Our project is designed for elementary kids from ages 7 to 9, who have constant exposure to digital technology today. Technology is transforming reality. Due to the communication tools these days - cc, bcc, text messages, Twitter, Facebook and etc, the act of letter writing has gradually worn away. Children are obtaining information at a very fast rate, yet the quality of experience is being lost. They do not have an extra moment to indulge in fine details and feelings that can be experienced through handwritten letters. We looked into the '10 Levels of Intimacy' from face-to-face communication to connecting through twitter and tried to bridge the gap between handwritten letters and e-mails. Our application allows children to physically write out letters to their friends and be able to send it to them with the speed of e-mails.

Placed in 2nd in SIAT 2012 Showcase Competition